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Rashtramata Indira Gandhi Arts Commerce and Science College was established by Bhagwan Shikshan prasarath Mandal, Gevrai, District Beed, in August 1991. The department of English was established with the opening of the college. English as a compulsory subject and as an additional language is offered to BA and BSc programs, whereas the Language and Literature is offered as an optional subject to BA 1st year 2nd year 3rd year classes. The faculty took initiative to whirl academia by organizing national webinars in pandemic period. Webinars made the delegates across the nation active and optimistic in the home-bound hard period of Covid-19. These events are the real credit of the English department. The faculty of department of English is very enthusiastic and actively participate in all curricular and co-curricular, extra-curricular activities. Especially, Faculty is engaged in the quality initiative of IQAC and at plays important role in feeling of AQAR and SSR of NAAC. Keeping pace with the time, the faculty flipped the traditional classrooms into the blended mode classrooms with advanced technologies. Not only we took initiative in changing the mode of academic delivery from offline to blended, we also taught soft skills to the students through the certificate courses. The students of English are considered to be advanced in all activities of the college, and outside of the college. 

• To enrich the student with adequate communication skills
• To prepare them for their professional needs in the globalized scenario prevalent today and
• To enrich the language of students and help them actively participate in the social platform effectively.

•  Working zestfully and resourcefully to impart the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to the students.
• Of making all the students acquire the required communicative competency in English and multi intelligence including cognitive skills and soft skills so as to secure a job of their choice and survive in a competitive globalised environment.
• Providing an effective platform for students in the acquisition of the language skills.
• Encouraging the students develop confidence, self-motivation and to think independently.
• It is to provide an academically exhilarating environment which allows our students to enjoy social learning .

  Highly qualified and committed faculty members.
• Research based project to students of TYBA classes.
• Departmental library equipped with all necessary books and reference materials in
   English language and literature.
• Remedial coaching for slow learners and extra attention to advanced learners.
• Online learning mode made available to students on Zoom, G-Class.
• Organization of National Webinars on Online Mode.
• Recognition as a Research Guide to the Head of the Department.
• Teaching with ICT
                                Characteristics Features of the Department
• Certificate Course in Spoken English and Soft Skill Development
• Duration: 30 days course implemented every year.

The department is looking forward to start M.A English as a PG program
• Looking forward to organise more and more National and International conference, seminars        on literary theory.
• The department is also willing to start Research Centre
• Providing learners the best quality in teaching and learning and ensures the learner reach the    target with the spirit of competence.


Dr. Jyoti Lahurao Dharmadhikari
Reasearch Guide, 
Head  & Asst. Professor, Department of English


DR. Vitthal Ramrao Gadekar
Asst. Professor, Department of English 

Webinars, workshops and seminars organized:
Teaching Languages in Post-Covid Scenario- National Webinar
  11th June, 2020 (A huge response from the Indian and abroad scholars.
  Around 900 scholars, delegates participated online and on Facebook, YouTube)
• National Webinar on Translation- 30th June, 2020
• National Webinar on Teachers Role in Implementation of NEP 2020: Awareness, Orientation, Challenges and Response
• One-Day Workshop on National Education Policy- 3rd January, 2023

Literary Forum: Various activities to enhance interest in learning English language
such as
  10 words a day
  Watching English movies
  Use of computers, email, site surfing etc.
  Elocution competition