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  • Introduction  - Department of Botany,Rashtramata Indira Gandhi is Affilated to Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangbad is one of the oldest departments of this College, established in 1991. Botany department runs three year degree course, for final year Plant Pathology is optional. In Last few years, the department has achieved wide recognition in teaching undergraduate courses . the department provide skill oriented and quality education contribututing in the process of social development. wellbeing of commen man through the study of plant science. Angiosperms, Taxonomy, Floristic, and Mycology,Economic botany,Plant Physiology, Genetices cytology ,Algae,Fungi,Bryophyta,Pteridiophyta are subjects for degree . This Department is with well-equipped laboratory to facilitate student for research with different types of instruments. 
Botany is one of the most important subject comes under fundamental sciences. This subject has achieved wide recognition throughout the world as it is related with plant study. Every living organisms are dependent on plants for their survival hence it plays vital role in nature. This subject comprises with different branches such as Plant Systematics, Plant Physiology, Plant Pathology, Phytology, Cyto-genetics, Plant Anatomy, Economic Botany, Crop Sciences, Biochemistry, Biotechnology etc.The students who learn botany have the scope to contribute in different areas viz. Forest Department, Garden beautification, floriculture, mushroom culture, tissue culture, microbiology-biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Agronomy, Ethno-medicines, Ayurveda, herbal medicines, Horticulture etc..
Skill Oriented and Quality Education to the student., To Provided Contributing in the Process of Social development. Wellbeing of common man through Study of Plant Science.

To offer wide and relevant education to student with a view of shaping their Scientific Temper and environmental awareness and uplift the student capable of facing challenges in the life efficiently their own feature. To introduce student to modern ideas and thoughts for sustaining in global world
  1. To impart quality education in the fields of botany to make the students acquire deep knowledge  relevant to local, regional and national needs.  To inoculate the concept of conservation and biodiversity.
  2. The course introduces the students to importance of plants as an integral parts of existance on planet. To know the facts that human existance depends up on the plants , and hence necessity to consure the nature is the prime needs of mankind. Botany covers a wide range of scientific deciplines that study the structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, development, and diseases of plants.
  3.  After complating B.Sc, degree in botany, student  can make their career as plant conservationist ,plant biochemist, nursery management, taxonomist, plant pathologist, farming consultant, seed technologist, plant breeder, researcher fioriests, seneticist.

 Dr. Wakle G.L.
Professor & HOD
M.Sc. Ph.D.



 Dr. Chavan S.T.
Associate Professor 
M.Sc. Ph.D.
